The idea of dating creates butterflies. It sounds so beautiful, if only it showed up that beautifully. But, what is that energy? Anticipation, nervousness, excitement? Those pre-date feelings - also referred to as pre-date jitters - manifest differently for everyone. No matter how confident you are, or how many dates you have been on in your life, these pre-date feelings happen to all singles. For some, it’s positive excitement, yet for others, it can create worry, and maybe even a bit of anxiety.

Let’s be honest, the anticipation of going on a first date can be intense.

Could you imagine this intense feeling being replaced by calmness? Think about it: a calmness that allows you to connect with your date.

Anticipation of a date, and how to “show up” on a date are part of my everyday sessions coaching singles at It’s Just Lunch. I adore and respect my clients; they are highly successful in so many aspects of their life. And together we dive in to do the same - creating intentional opportunities to achieve their desired outcomes in their personal lives.

Now, what I know to be true is that one of the best things I do for our clients is to apply new opportunities – or in this case practices – as an approach towards being a successful dater. My most recent exploration has been focused on the practice of meditation and how it can impact success with dating.


Imagine being in a state of mind where your own personal calmness becomes a key to your dating success.

Interesting, right?!?!

It can.

And let me share with you how it could help, but first, let me back up and give you a bit of context. Recently while networking, I experienced what I consider to be a pivotal moment for myself and how I coach singles. Yes, it was that big!

Over the past few years I, like many, have been living a life that goes against my natural grain. As an extrovert starved for connection, being at this event made me feel complete. I felt alive again, my senses were heightened and completely ready and open to receive the message of the speaker, Greg Anderson. If you are not yet familiar with Greg, among many things he is the author of the book The Selfish Devorce. The Selfish Divorce is his personal story of pulling off what most divorcees want - a healthy divorce!

Greg started off what would be an intense day by merging the consciousness of the entire group with a guided meditation. There was something about starting with meditation that cleared my mind and inspired me. It awoke a reality within, showing me the potential impact his concept could truly have on singles, especially my clients at It’s Just Lunch!

It was almost too easy, yet it clearly made sense.

The basic concept of creating an inner calmness, through meditation, gives singles the ability to connect with ease on a first date. At the end of the day, I want this for my clients. I shared with Greg that the possibilities would be incredible if I could relay a small piece of his message of what he figured out with my single clients.

And guess what?! He agreed.

Yes, he agreed to join me in sharing his wisdom - here is the link - to a Q+A session that will spark change in your dating life. And the better it gets, the better it gets - Greg went above and beyond to help me get my clients who are interested started in their personal practice by creating two meditations, to begin with, AM DNA Meditation and PM DNA Meditation. This gift from me (or really Greg) to all the singles out there can be added to your daily routine and if you chose, apply to your dating life too.

Happy meditating….and happy dating,
Jolene Beaton
Dating and Relationship Coach, It’s Just Lunch

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